• Hi Ender. I think it is sad for them, but I also think they might understand more than when they are 10 years old.
  • My parents divorced when I was 18 years old. The really tough part is that they continued to share a bed for three months after my dad asked my mom for a divorce. It took that long for my mom to figure out what to do and do it. I could hear her crying to herself every night. She ended up moving from where we lived in Connecticut to her sister's house in California. One of the worst nights of my life was the night she was packing her clothes. She was leaving the next morning. I sat on the bed in their room as she's putting clothes into her suitcases. She's sobbing and trying to impart wisdom to me at the same time. I felt so bad for her because I could tell she didn't think she would ever see me again. That was 1984. Ten years later I was living with her and her new husband in California trying to get sober. She had been sober a year by the time I got out there, so she was a great role model for me. She died in 2002, but she died sober...and that's all that counts.

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