Yoda of course. He's short, but one of the mightiest Jedi's of all.
Let's see. I'd have to choose Luke. Since he's the one who doesn't *die*. Him or Revan, as long as it's the Revan who crushed the Republic to rule it as it's Sith Lord.
Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was "our only hope" in the original.
The small green good looking one.
Princess liza........... could you imagine what a warrior I would be ...hiya........lukkkkkkkkkkkkeee I did ya father......b4 he was homely in the last movie...
Jedi Clampett
Mace Windu. Yes, he's a man, but he's a bad mother f*cker! Besides, then I could have the purple light saber!
I wouldn't want to be a jedi that would be too dangerous, I would want to be the pretty princess and then senator, Padme.
I'd like to be the son of Leeam Neesen.....then I could make another movie about gangs.........maybe call the gang.........the dead rabbits.
Obi-Wan of course!!! He is the ultimate good guy!
Annla Sacura
Jedi Clampett
Luke ofcourse, He had so many good adventures...
Aayla Secura. She is strong, beautiful and rock out!
I used to look a lot like Qui-Gon Jinn -- the long hair, the beard, the height.... Nowadays, I've become a little more Mace Windu-ish...
Master Windu .. cool character yet so energize
exar kun coolist lightsaber ever.
I would be Hand Solo ;-)
Jedi Freddi
Obi-Wan Cannoli. Tough yet I could be eaten;)
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