• In my opinion, a She-Male is someone who has a woman's body that has a huge muscular body that scares many people mostly including little children. LOL
  • A person who changes gender , and/or likes to dress up with dresses and goes to do shows . Please don't bash me , It is only what I think it may mean + 5
  • A woman with a penis. Also called (the more politically correct term) a transgender or a transsexual. I'm actually surprised AB would make a category using a slang word such as she-males.
  • To me, it might mean the same thing as "transsexual". It differs from a transvestite in the sense that such a man not only has dressed up as a woman, but has a desire to actually go through a physical transformation in his desire to become a woman. I might be wrong here.
  • I immediately thought: Richard Simmons.
  • i find it horrifying that there is a category called 'she-males" the appropriate term is transgendered. or intersexed. jeez!
  • no ithink it should be shim
  • Rosie O'Donnell. Worse "person" of both worlds.
  • A woman who wants to be a male!
  • A woman with a penis :(
  • a person who is born with both genders which is in fact gender less.
  • Is there REALLY? Wow. She-male is a derogatory term for someone that is transgendered or cross dresses. It's disgusting, and I'm really sad that they decided to pick that term. Transgendered would have been better.
  • She-Male? isnt that like having a "fag" or "homo" category? I dont think SHE male is the proper word.. Hermaphrodite?
  • i find it to be extremely offensive and an uneducated decision.
  • When I hear "shemale" I think of porn. "Chicks with dicks" is another phrase tossed around quite frequently. I've resorted to using the word "shemale" to describe a few friends of mine because I didn't have the time to explain what "transgendered" meant. "Tranny" also seems to have a negative (often exploitative) connotation. I use the term "t-girl" with those who are. I'd hope that if they found it offensive, they'd let me know about it!
  • Amy winehouse? j/k
  • This is going to be some pissed off transgendered answerbaggers!
  • I think Arrowsmith summed it up perfectly in their song: Dude looks like a lady.
  • chicks with dicks ....
  • We had a she-male staying with us back in the late 70s whom we met at the discoteque through a friend and he/she was hoping to have the final digit removed when they saved up enough money. I can't personally relate to the pain and trauma they go through but I do know that of the ones I met, particularly, Hedda, they have never ever felt at home in their bodies and never identified with the gender in which their parent's raised them. We should all thank our lucky stars for being born and happy in our gender and try to exert more understanding toward she-males whenever we encounter them or read about them. It is a tough road and society doesn't help by ridiculing and downgrading them.
  • i am not one to judge, so i'm fine with it.
  • Dude, you have to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show! "Cause I'm just a sweet transvestite! From transsexual, Transylvania!" -Dr. Frankenfurter
  • a woman who used to be a male...?
  • Mrs . Stallone.
  • girl with a penis. it's straightforward
  • In current usage, shemale (sometimes she-male) is a usually derogatory term for a person who appears to be female, possessing both breasts and male genitalia. This term, along with tranny, ladyboy and others, is used mainly in the American sex industry to refer to pre-operative transsexuals who have not undergone gender reassignment surgery. Less frequently, it is used to describe persons with an intersex condition. Many people, particularly transgendered individuals themselves, consider the term highly offensive.
  • chicks with dicks
  • Is a male who likes to dress like a female and do all female things. I have a friend who is this way and she is awesome. They also prefer to be called she. Again it's the same as transgender.
  • a woman with a wee wee.
  • A 'she-male' is a derogatory term that the porno industry uses to capitalize off of men with female physical attributes. Noramlly, these people do not want to become a woman. You keep saying the 'correct' term is transgender. I disagree. That term is an 'umbrella' term used by many to describe just about anyone who does not abide by the male-female rules society imposes upon them. Personally, I am a true transsexual. I do NOT want to be called transgender because I do NOT want to be lumped in with all the others, such as crossdressers, drag queens, TV's, and so on. I am not one of those people. I do NOT live as a woman because I get my kicks out of doing so. TV's get off from wearing women's clothing. I do NOT, and I never have, and never will. I don't do this as a hobby. It is not a weekend game of dress-up and then return back to male on Monday morning to return to work. I have known something was not right since I was about 4 or 5 years old. I have since totally rejected anything at all to do with maleness, and what society tells people that a male should be. I am not a male in my mind. I truly believe I was meant to be a female at birth. And I always will feel this way. I have been on HRT for over 20 years now. I work in a totally female dominated industry (over 97% female), and I live my life as a 24/7 woman. Unfortunately, I have not had SRS yet, and I don't think I will ever have it. Why not? Because I do not have the financial resources to do it and do it properly. To have the SRS, facial feminization surgery, breast augmentation, and more, it can cost upwards of $100,000 to have done. I was not born rich. If I had been, I would have had my surgery back when I was 19 years old - that is the age at which I was approved for the SRS by my gender therapist. My therapist is a very well known and highly respected authority in the field of gender identity. She, and her associate have literally written the book on SRS. It's called the Standards of Care. She co-authored the guidelines which are accepted world-wide as 'the' set of guidelines to determine who can, or cannot receive SRS. My poit being that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am a transsexual. I am not a transgender person, and do not wish to be classified as such.The fact is, and it is quite evident from reading some of the responses to your question, that most people have absolutely no idea what a transsexual is. Many - if not most people tend to thing of crossdressers when they hear the term 'transsexual.' The fact is that the two are worlds apart. There are NO similarities between the two. A crossdresser could not bear the thought of losing his genitals - nor the loss of functionality of their genitals. Well, HRT and anti-androgens kill off all functionality of the male organs - when administered properly, that is. Crossdressers, and TV's do this stuff for kicks. They wear wigs, and wear way too much make-up, and really ridiculous clothing. They seem to believe that it is OK to go to walmart dressed in a leather mini skirt, 5 inch heels,loads of make-up, and a tight top with stuffed bras. Normal women do not dress that way, sorry. And even those who do it behind closed doors do not do this because they need to in order to feel normal. They do it for kicks. And, come Monday morning, they return to their totally male lives and keep it all a secret to others. But, what those people don't realize is that the absolute majority if them look like men in dresses. They do NOT look, or act female in any way. Very, very few are 'passable.' The bad part of all this is that the public sees this. And then people tend to associate ALL GID people with those people who do it for kicks. I have paid a very high price to be who I am. At first, I lost every single one of my supposed 'friends' all except for one or two of them. But, even they backed off after a while and I no longer see them. I now have a life where not one of my friends know my past. I had to move very far away to do this, and start all over again - as a female entirely. New legal name, drivers license with the 'female' gender marker, SS card, you name it. I changed it all BEFORE making my move. To let even one person know the truth may spell the end of all my hard work and efforts. I am only trying to be true to myself. I am only trying to be the happiest person that I can be in life. Living as a male would not make me happy. It would make me want to die instead. It's a very serious thing to be born a true TS. It is not something that one chooses. No. I did not choose this. Who in their right mind would 'choose' this sort of lifestyle? No one that I know of. It's been the cause of much pain and suffering for so many people, including myself. I lost my entire family because of it. No, they did not support me. They disowned me. Totally, and permanently. You people reading this can draw your own conclusions. That's your right to do that. Make jokes if you want to. I don't care. I don't know you. But, the fact remains that I am what I am, and I cannot change that fact even if I wanted to. I HAVE tried to live as a male many years ago. And I failed in every way possible. For some, there is no other option but to live in their preferred gender. And, that's where I am at, and have been at for many years now. If you were to see me on the street, or in the mall, in a restaurant - you would never be able to telll I was a male. That is another thing that divides the 'transgender' folks and people like me. I cannot stand my genitals. They can, and do live with them just fine. They couldn't stand the thought of losing their precious pen*s. I wouldn't give it a second thought if I was given the opportunity and the financial resources to get rid of the thing. I despise ever having been born with it. And I will until the day that I die, which could be much sooner than I had planned to. You see, hormones are very dangerous. Many. many TS's have dies from taking them. It's a matter of life or death for us. But, we take them in order to make our minds and bodies in line with what we should have been born as - a female. It's not a game we play. It's for real. So, please don't lump me, and others like myself in with those for whom it is a big game.I don't want anything at all to do with those people. They just make it that much more difficult for those of us who are quite serious about all this. For us, it is not a choice, it's a fact of life. Think what you want to think, but try to remember that there are many of us who have suffered severe discrimination because of the general ignorance of society as a whole. And thse' transgendered' folks are NOT helping matters for us. Thank you for your time in reading this. I appreciate it very much...
  • quite frankly I find that marking the category as shemale to be very offensive, they def need to change it to transgender. As for transgender individuals, I view them no differently than anyone else, and why should I?
  • Just a new term for tranvestite. Just like the new term for homosexual is gay!
  • She + Male= Ick
  • The porn appellation is "chicks with dicks" - often transgender and identify as female, frequently with implants and hormone treatments, etc., but leaving the male genitals intact. This is hardly a new category.
  • I prefer to be called transgender or M2F. I don't believe that the term "she-male" applies to me because don't feel male at all. I feel feminine to my core. I feel that only an ignorant person or an ignorant porn addict would call me a "she-male". "She-male" is just a lower class pornographer's made up word to sell videos to other ignorant people.
  • A she-male is a man who wishes he were born a woman. He gets breast implants and tries to get people to use female pronouns when talking about him. I'm honestly disgusted by guys like that. Luckily, I don't have to deal with any.
  • There is no such category. This is an offensive 'label' emanating from immense ignorance of a medical condition. There is, in this thread, a very excellent answer from a peron well able to respond. Someone who knows whereof they speak. I suggest you scroll down and find it....the responder is an 'anonymous' new member...but werll worth reading a true and accurate description to clear the confusion once and for all. Please take the time and have enough respect to READ IT.
  • A sexy, feminine guy who wears women's clothes, has smooth shaved legs, impeccable makeup and hopefully says yes when I ask them out.
  • I've dated transsexuals exclusively since college and not one of those wonderful woman really cared, but they never described themselves as a she-male.
  • Chicks with pricks is the definition.
  • An abomination to God.
  • most are gorgeous
  • I've never been to the category and, as a heterosexual, I have no interest in exploring that wilderness. I have no comment about it.
  • Its definitely not new. Neither is this question! I think that would be a derogatory term. I'd never use it anyway, but I wouldn't judge others for using it. They might embrace the word. I prefer to learn people's names, and use that. Or whatever name they give me. However, AB has a lot of categories I'd rather not investigate!
  • It's not an expression we use in my neighbourhood.

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