• I get offered one free at work so I take it.
  • I get a flu shot every year. I haven't had the flu in many years. 2/24/25
  • No vaccine. I had flu this year and felt like death, turned into pneumonia, and sat up A and E for 7 hours, the China variant had made it's way over here, so people were catching it for the first time, and flu shots didn't cover it. I've only had it once before when I was in my 20's. Some years the flu shot isn't very effective as the virus mutates.
  • Personally no, I do not take vaccines they are mostly dangerous. However, if some people have had them often it might do them good because vaccines kill the natural defenses in the body, so the body has no defense and accepts viruses making a person sick. I generally do not get sick from a virus and if I do it only lasts for a few hours to a couple of days and it is over.

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