STOP EATING JUNK FOOD.......NO MORE FAST FOOD PLACES!!! drink more water. FILTERED NOT TAP WATER....get yourself one of those filtration pitchers, or get one for your kitchen sink........the money you save over bottled water will amaze you, not to mention the help to the landfills!!! eat regular snacking no skipping meals.... always have something healthy to nibble on at work if you must snack......a handful of raw almonds, some trail mix, apple, even a hard boiled egg.....ANYTHING BUT a trip to the ridiculously expensive vending machine!!!!! get YOUR REST..........and no screens of anykind for at least one hour before bedtime!! bad for the tv, phones, etc......if you MUST, look for those apps that dim the thing you can do for your eyesight!!! don't hold grudges, they hurt no one but YOU...... treat everyone the way you'd like to be treated; from the boss on down to the candy counter clerk!!! ALWAYS HAVE A smile for everyone.....sincere, and not a goofy one........your smile may be the only one they see that day!!!!!!! EVERYONE is important; not just you, mr/ms. smarty pants!! you are no better than anyone else, no matter what your educational level, income, etc. WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER so enjoy and appreciate everyone in your life!!! carry a water bottle with you everyday......THAT YOU'VE FILLED WITH FILTERED WATER........God only knows what's in our tap water these days!!!!! take care of your health...........GET YOUR TEETH CLEANED ON A REGULAR BASIS......our oral health reflects our overall body health!! all is one!!! try to watch your portions of food.......DO NOT EAT ON DINNER PLATES ANYMORE.......USE SALAD PLATES will notice you are not eating as much after a while........... NEVER go grocery shopping or out to eat without snacking on SOMETHING...even a cracker or two.........never go anywhere'll be sorry!!!! well guess I"ve rambled on long enough........sorry it's so disjointed I just put stuff down as I thought of them!!! AND REMEMBER YOU'RE NEVER WELL-DRESSED WITHOUT A SMILE!! :-D
Relaxing, both physically and mentally. Stress is a normal part of life, but when stress is not managed, it can affect your health.
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