• LOTS of people here in the US are wondering about that too! Do you guys not have that sort of thing "down under"? 2/15/25
    • ★Stevo
      no the pm cant let criminals out of jail offically. If you have enough money the high court is for sale it seams
  • A Presidential Pardon not only pardons people for crimes for which they have been also can be used to pardon people for crimes for which they have been charged but not yet convicted, thus saving that person the "inconvenience" of trial and possible conviction. * Perhaps the most notable case of "Pardon for Charges" in the last few decades is the pardon of Richard Nixon by Gerald Ford for the Watergate crimes, which effectively prevented ex-President Nixon from facing legal trial and conviction for his part in that scandal. Note that at the time this was widely considered to be a positive move, as many people of the US had gotten to the point where they were sick of the ongoing trials, and the idea of dragging a US President through such "muck" was considered demeaning to the nation as a whole (though of course some were incensed that Nixon did not have to face justice for his crimes, and considered his escape from justice to be demeaning to the nation as a whole). A perhaps more...seedy example, clearly self-serving, is the pardon of Biden Jr. by his father, or (less so) the pardon of Clinton's brother by Clinton. IMO these are cases of misuse of Presidential privilege for one's own personal gain, and I wish there could be an amendment to prevent such uses of the Presidential Pardon for personal gain.

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