• He represents the citizens of KY, who continue to put him back in office every 6 years, much like Delaware did with Biden, and CA did with Feinstein, and several states do with their senators. 2/14/25
    • ★Stevo
      Do they really vote for him or is it fixed , Will he live until January 3, 2027 ?
    • dalcocono
      He's pretty old, and beginning to have failing health I think. Regardless, he took the last election by storm. He is supposed to be "unpopular" now, but here is an article from the last election in KY;
    • ★Stevo
      Has he ever had a real job?
    • ★Stevo
      Would you say he sold his soul they own him too bad if he just wants to enjoy retirement they'll roll him in and hold his hand at voting time up until the day he dies.
    • dalcocono
      I think he has spent his life as a lawyer or a politician. He has 40 years in the senate. As far as "selling his soul", I don't have a clue, and I don't know if he is corrupt or not. I think our American forebears should have instituted term limits for all elected officials when they limited potus to 2 terms.
    • dalcocono
      Here is a news story saying he will finish this term and retire, after 7 terms.

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