• It has to be good. Generally speaking, they say older people are more experienced. Perhaps a younger person can learn so much from an older person, making them mature much faster. 😄
    • DancesWithWolves
      Thank you for your answer.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      My pleasure.
  • A few of my mates married women 20 years younger than them, When the woman is in her 40's and ole mate is in his 60's. Is where the issue begins when the ole bugger wants to sleep and the lady wants to party. The woman got married early missed doing the things most other young woman in their 20's do now shes stuck home with grandpa that wants to goto bed at 8.30 every Saturday night. It ended with the woman being unfaithful.
  • I see it as their business and none of my own. Often the big age differences are the results of the love of money. 2/8/25
    • ★Stevo
      my mate left his house to his children from ihis first marrage there was a legal eagle battle that ended up in solicitors getting most of the money in the end.
    • dalcocono
      That's how it usually goes once the lawyers get involved!
    • ★Stevo
      Very true the lawyer told my mates kids that is what was going to happen on their first visit .That can happen with any legal dispute. I know 2 brothers were their parents left the house to one sons children the other brother intends on challenging the will in court until there is nothing left.
    • dalcocono
      Shameful waste of time and money, IMHO
    • ★Stevo
      the mouth moving industry, Shall we talk about criminal lawyers paid for by the tax payer. That turn an event that was once solved on the day by a cop slaping a young smart arse into a 6 month court event which results in a nothing more then some judge warning the smart arse , A heap of otherwise useless mouth movers getting paid is all I see happenig.

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