The ocd is so bad at the point where I can't think about anything else right now...
The ocd is so bad at the point where I can't think about anything else right now...
How long does rabies survive outside of the body in saliva before it becomes uninfectious to a cut?
Everything I'm seeing say that it can live to hours or days outside the body.
I saw a little bit of red on my toe, can't tell if it was blood or not.
I've been trying to around the house with bare foot again, and had a crack in my toe pad. It looked red, but couldn't tell if it's bleeding or not. Problem is that I had extremely calloused feet and I just found out about that callous fillier so I've been filing the callous down. But it created a couple cracks in my foot.
It didn't look like it wasn't bleeding just red. I filed the area a bit more and it started bleeding. Still nervous though. My dad was out feeding the birds again, and was worried some sorta animal spit was brought into the house. Apparently he didn't see any animals in the area, but what if they were there just before he was outside.
Was it even a open cut for something that could get into?
How long does rabies survive on the ground at 34oF weather 58% humidity, with snow on the ground in the open air and be able to infect from spit from bats, or mice or squirrels. In non laboratory conditions.
The thing is that while this one is blowing up, I'm actually doing better in other areas of the fear. I'm going outside doing snowblowing stuff without doing a lot of extra checking. Had to put air in the tires of the c...
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