• How else does karma work?
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      What has karma got to do with my question?
    • Urban Spaceman
      You asked why people believe in reincarnation, right? Well, when bad things happen to people in their present life for apparently no justifiable reason, it's because of something they did in a previous life. That's karma, and that's what it has to do with your question. How else do you think karma works if there is no reincarnation?
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      There is only one life for each person and to think we have more than one life is being delusional. We are not zombies that belong in horror movies. Karma and reincarnation is a delusion that some people create in their imagination and that’s why they can’t prove their point since it’s all in their mind only. It’s all bull$hit. Once a person’s life is gone, they are gone forever and probably end up mentioned in a history book or channel on television.
    • dalcocono
      According to you anyhow. You keep coming back to "zombies" as though they somehow represent reincarnation, again the legend of the zombie is not the same as reincarnation. You keep saying the same thing here, as though nobody else could possibly be right, but still no proof. Prove it then. Karma and reincarnation is a belief system that is several thousand years old and adhered to by billions. The shadow may be pushing 50 with a few millions co-disbelievers, who think they know it all.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Prove to me that karma and reincarnation exists. The reason why I mention zombies is because I am referring to us humans and that some people stupidly believe that we have more than one life due to reincarnation beliefs. There is no physical evidence in their claims. If reincarnation does exist, that makes us the living dead since we rise again according to idiots but that is not the case.
    • dalcocono
      Right back at you; prove to me that you are right and they are wrong. If transmigration of the soul actually exists, then it does not make us "living dead" as you suggest. New body new life. Not "rising again", resurrection is from another belief system unrelated to reincarnation. the people who believe in reincarnation have as much chance of being right as you do, and neither of you have a shred of proof.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Each person has one soul and one body so to believe in having more than one is ridiculous. There is no such thing as rebirth aka reincarnation since that is a delusion that some people like Hindus create in their imagination. They can not prove their point that reincarnation exists because it’s all in their head. There are people who create beliefs in their minds such as reincarnation and can not give physical evidence of their claims. I don’t make a claim that reincarnation is an imagination the same way as atheism is not a claim either meanwhile religious people make claims in their beliefs but the reality is someone or a number of people messed with their minds making them believe in all sorts of fantasies. To think that a person can have a new body and new life after their death is bull$hit. You would have to be brainwashed to believe that $hit.
    • dalcocono
      Prove it then.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Prove what exactly? Rejecting the reincarnation delusion is not a claim therefore doesn’t require proof on my end. It’s up to those idiots to prove their claims so you can ask them and not me.
    • dalcocono
      Prove your point. Prove that you are absolutely right and they are absolutely wrong.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      It’s like debating an imagination. The imagination of reincarnation. All you need is common sense which I’m not sure you have. If you have common sense, you would not be asking me for proof because I don’t make a claim here. It is delusional people who initiate claims of their false beliefs and have nothing to show. As I said before, ask them and not me but I don’t think you’re listening to me properly.
    • dalcocono
      There are over a billion people from one of the major belief systems of humanity who would easily reply that you are the delusional one and they would question your own common sense., and they would have a valid point, because you cannot prove their belief system to be wrong, no matter how much you denigrate them as "delusional idiots." I'm asking you to prove the validity of your claims because you are the one here who says you are absolutely right and they are absolutely wrong.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      One billion people who are brainwashed into the reincarnation delusion without realising it. Belief systems are created in the minds of mind controlling people and then they pass on their delusions to brainwashed victims. I do not claim anything here because rejection of a belief is not a claim. It is them who initiate claims of reincarnation. You are wrong to think I make claims. What part of “rejection of a belief is not a claim” do you not understand? Because I don’t make a claim means there is no proof required on my end of things.
    • dalcocono
      Your claim; "since we are not the living dead and that there are no end credits for us when our time comes" Prove it. Prove that you aren't the delusional one who has been brainwashed. You claim you know, and I don't believe it without proof.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      That is not a claim I made. It’s a comment in which I say how things really are. Since it’s not a claim like you think there is no proof required. People who think there are end credits for when we are gone forever have their heads in the movies which are not real because movies are staged up. You would have to be a complete idiot to believe what you see in the movies.
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      You're an atheist that believes in the "soul?" .
  • They don't believe the body survives death, only the eternal soul or atman.
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      I read the comments You're an atheist that believes in the "soul?" That's unusual..
  • People believe all kinds of strange stuff when it comes to death, because death is tough to deal with. I'm sure everyone over the qge of, like 12, has dealt with losing someone they loved, at some point. Wouldn't it be great to see that loved one once qgain, or at least know that they are somewhere, doing okay? It's a coping mechanism. And it is probably all coming, originally, from an innocent place until crappy people use such beliefs to control the masses for their own personal gain....
  • A billion+ Hindus will disagree with you on that opinion. 1/14/25
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      It’s not an opinion. I see things as they really are. 1 billion hindu idiots that have an imagination or that they believe in zombies which belong in movies.
    • dalcocono
      "A billion Hindu idiots" eh? Nothing wrong with your ego is there. Of course it's an opinion without a shred of proof, just like those billion "idiots" belief.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      There is no shred of proof in their reincarnation claims because it’s all in their head. What’s my ego got to do with this? I articulated my view which you perceive as an opinion. A view and opinion have different meanings. Those hindu idiots have nothing to show with their claims. They are all words and no evidence and probably saw too many zombie movies and believe what they see on the screen. As I pointed out before, we are not the living dead. When a person is not alive anymore, they are gone forever and that’s all there is to it and probably mentioned in a history book or programme on television.
    • dalcocono
      Your ego is what allowed you to say "a billion Hindu idiots" because they disagree with your take on reincarnation. Zombies have nothing to do with reincarnation. They are supposedly reanimated, not reincarnated. Reincarnation is the transmigration of the spirit, and you have absolutely no proof of your opinion either.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      My ego has nothing to do with how I see things. I know idiots when I hear what they say such as stupid beliefs with no physical evidence. I did not make an opinion. I expressed a view which is different. People who believe in reincarnation have no proof in their claims because they are all words.
    • dalcocono
      Oh please! Semantics; "expressed a view" is simply a synonym for an opinion. Your ego is what lets you claim that only you can be right in this question. The billions of Hindus, Sikhs, Janes, and some Buddhists can't possibly be right because you say so. You don't have any more proof than they do either. People who reject reincarnation have no proof in their claims because they are all words too. They have as much chance of being correct as you do.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      A rejection is not a claim. There are people who initiate claims such as reincarnation and silly beliefs with no evidence to back up their bull$hit. It’s like saying that there is such a thing as Superman when in fact that is a fictional character made into movies. That’s just an example of what I’m trying to say. My ego has nothing to do with what I’m saying. That’s just what you think. It’s not about what I say so when believers in reincarnation can’t possibly be right. It’s knowing so by having common sense which is something that those people don’t have because they choose to believe in delusions. The delusion of reincarnation. Whose side are you on anyway - mine or theirs?
    • dalcocono
      So, let's see the evidence to back up your bullshit. Prove it. I'm not on either side. I'm just saying that there is no proof for either claim, and I'm not brash enough to tell either side that they're wrong or their opinions are bullshit.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Either you believe in reincarnation or you don’t. It’s either one so take your pick.
    • dalcocono
      I am willing to concede that I don't know. None of us do even though they have stories in India and elsewhere about children remembering their past life. I simply don't know, so I won't say their beliefs are "bullshit" and "stupid". Nobody can prove their opinion on an afterlife or no afterlife. It is ALL speculation on our part. IMHO
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      When people talk about past life, that is just them waffling on and they expect others to believe them. There is such a thing as knowing about mental state so people who talk about such things like reincarnation and afterlife have mind problems going on. There are people who will brainwash others who are vulnerable with their fantasies making them speak in all sorts of tongues. If you understand about mental health, you will know where I’m coming from.
    • dalcocono
      Again, you try to explain their belief away as mental problems or brainwashing. They could say the same thing about your own beliefs and opinions on their religious teachings. The problem is still you cannot prove yourself right, just as they cannot. Simply because there is no way to prove the right or wrong of opinions on an afterlife.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      I say things as they really are but you don’t understand what I’m saying. I don’t have any beliefs because I don’t create a world of my own which delusional people do. I prefer knowledge which goes beyond belief and sticking to my own reality which I encourage others to do. Instead of making further comments under Urban Spaceman’s answer, stick with comments under your own answer.
    • dalcocono
      You actually only express opinions that you cannot support except by saying that anybody that disagrees with your opinion isn't as clever or knowledgeable as you are. Your worldview is narrow and a bit condescending in your refusal to admit your sincerely held beliefs may be wrong. I'm done commenting on this thread. Only because your obstinance has become boring, not because you tell me to stop commenting on this answer.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      I did not tell you to stop commenting on this answer. I’m talking about the other answer that Urban Spaceman provided. I say things as they really are which some people like yourself can’t come to terms with because you don’t listen to me properly and fail to understand what I’m saying so you have other ideas in your mind to block me out. I’m talking about you blocking out my words. Since you think I’m wrong in what I say that is just your opinion. This type of communication is frustrating. I think it’s best we leave it at that. You have your views and I have mine which are very different. Different strokes for different folks.
  • Because thier relgion they choose to follow tells them thats what happens after they die. It gives them comfort to believe there is more to life . Buddhists believe that following the teachings of Buddha can lead to nirvana, an enlightened state that ends the cycle of reincarnation

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