• The type a car a person drives reveals a lot about their personality.
  • I cant I once told a grubby looking wog to get off the property the boss doesn't want derros here. It turned out he was the owner. My grandma used to say by his shoes/ boots.
  • Seeing the physical body of a person proves they are a somebody. When a person refers to someone else as a nobody, they are in denial because they are probably arrogant and anyone who doesn’t fit in their mind are a nobody to them.
  • Depends on your definition of what a somebody is? By intelligence and riches then Elon Musk could be considered a "Somebody," even though his relationships with female staff are questionable. With Regards to his relationship to himself, and others, and lack of worldy riches, a homeless person who is happy and content could be considered a "Somebody." Maybe the biggest problem is trying to be "Somebody," or thinking you're "Nobody," when the prison of both these ideas exist only in the mind, where most battles are fought.

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