Depression is a medical condition that is said to be caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. There is medication to treat it. It isn't the same sort of sadness that people without depression experience. It can be devastating. It often leads to suicide. Anybody that suffers from depression should seek treatment, starting with their primary care doctor and then following up with the referrals. It can be treated. 10/4/24
Shadow Of The Mind
There is always a reason why someone is depressed. There is such a thing as situational depression. I understand it can be treated but one of the ways of feeling better on the inside is when someone makes them feel good about themselves or happy. The problem with people towards someone with mental health is lack of empathy and understanding. I hear the rest of what you say though. In my view, depression can be an after effect if they have been wronged by someone or some external factors that affects their mental health.
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