In the US, "Gronk" is a football star. A couple of bros named "Gronkowski", Rob being the most famous one. I don't know who Albo is, so I did google him. I don't know his actual title either. 9/25/24
Prime Minister of Australia google didn't tell you that? -
It did, but I didn't notice any references to treason though, and I'm not sure what a "Gronk" is in Australia. -
gronk=sh*t head -
aka, out house rodent., lying tip rat, no good.. point being guilty by association. has to be? -
The American Gronk would be appalled to be compared to a shyt-house mouse! -
if Biden is a sell out so is Elbo has to be. -
Probably so, but I haven't really heard much about him
I just learned a new Australian slang word - "gronk." It means someone who is considered unintelligent, foolish and clumsy. What is there to know about Anthony Albanese, he believes Joe Biden is fit and totally on top to still be president. Grandpa Joe is prone to slips, trips and falls. It must be true to have 2 gronks think alike.
or they both have the same owner?
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