All children should be vaccinated against Polio.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Thanks for sharing! That's right, over 600,000 children under 10 years of age are going to be vaccinated. The Pro-Palestinians can't say that Israel does not care about Gazans. -
Israel has destroyed 70% of all sewage pumps and 100% of all wastewater treatment plants, as well as the main water quality testing laboratories in Gaza, Sewage running down the street is very healthy? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
stevo, and? It's a *war* between Israel and Hamas who hides with the Gazan civilians. At least Israel has agreed to a series of pauses in September to allow young children in the enclave to be vaccinated for Polio. -
So destroying civilian infrastructure is OK? safe water practices safe more lives than any doctor. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
stevo, the Palestinian people made a mistake for electing Hamas. Before the war, Gaza was presented to the world as a relief project, and tracing its funding sources, billions of dollars were transferred to it. A large part of the money was used to finance terrorist infrastructure, even when the money should have been used to build more civilian infrastructure, nutrition and education.
mass poisoning?
Jenny The Great ⭐ -
What is that rubbish ??? -
What is the vacine made from? What happens when young boys receive female hormo's? -
aborted fetus?????????? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Rubbish? That means to keep it quiet, since you are quite smart. -
that went over the head and back fence that one, I believe vaccines made from Fetal Cells create homosexauls.Hence why there are less homo-sexuals of older generations as fetal cells werent used as much after 1985 they were in pretty much all vaccines? -
Well at least abortions come in usual after all, dead baby cells all round. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
stevo, you are not as dumb as your English grammar appears. I'm impressed with your knowledge of the Polio vaccines in Gaza.
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