dont know nnuch about it
They'll be competing with the XFL soon.
Linda Joy
Competition and choice is good. Its about time the NFL learned they are not irreplaceable! And two new leagues will open up more jobs as well. I'd like to see a playoff between the winners of the two leagues, even though that's not likely. -
Archie Bunker
Not likely at all. The NFL and their sponsorship will never let that happen. But you're right, the NFL prima-donnas need to know that their $140million contracts have an expiration. -
Linda Joy
Oh I'm sorry I wasn't clear. I didn't mean the NFL. I was talking about the two new leagues. -
Archie Bunker
Well, if all goes as planned, you'll have 3 football leagues. While I don't see the two new ones lasting long, hopefully it gives NFL pause. -
Linda Joy
I hope they take off and the NFL dies completely. -
Archie Bunker
I don't want to see the NFL die out, but competition improves performance. Hopefully the NFL cleans up their game.
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