• I only like phone and text notifications from people I know.
    • Linda Joy's new account 2024
      But not from answer bag?
  • I haven't gotten them in months now. They used to be kind of annoying though, IMHO. I can't say I miss them. 8/4/24
    • Linda Joy's new account 2024
      I think I turned mine off at one point in time and then couldn't figure out how to turn them back on. I haven't gotten notifications in years. But I am getting them on my new account.
    • Linda Joy's new account 2024
      I'm talking about email notifications from answer bag.
  • I don't get that many notifications from AB. They don't annoy me when I do get them, they go to a separate email account I only use for signing up for websites so it's only used for notifications.
    • Linda Joy's new account 2024
      I only just now saw some notifications again. But only on my new account
  • I don't get notifications from this site.
    • Linda Joy's new account 2024
      I had to make a new account in order to get notifications again. But at least it worked.

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