How does a person get this stupid? You have a Bad case of TDS. Dont worry the uni party will see to it theres plenty of wars for you to invest in.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
So the Jan 6th riot was just a tourist event that got out of hand.? Too many Thomas Jefferson admirers? -
another staged event do you get paid to post democrat talking points?
7/19/2024, it is likely possible if he gets elected. The attempted assassination of Trump proves how Democrats and Republicans are taking it to the extreme. As for surviving, most of the time, innocent people are the victims.
I have been disconnected from the panic mongers lately. Didn't even know about the assassination attempt. Did they catch the perp? Or is that not a priority BECAUSE it was Trump? How can people not see how wrong political prejudices are? Even normally rational people lose their minds and fail to think about how that would feel reversed! And I have faith we will survive despite our best efforts to kill one another.
They killed him he was a 20 year old guy who took his dad's rifle and climbed up on a roof and took a few shots at Trump Took off a chunk of his ear too. It was a very close call. -
This link goes to a short article with a photo of the guy. He looks about 14years old. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Both his parents were child counselors -
they didn't do a very good job with their own son pathetic.
Well, that would be a nightmare scenario wouldn't it. I don't think it will come to that though. If he's elected again, I'm sure the celebrities will promise to leave the country, again, and the radical lefties will throw riots again, but a revolution probably isn't in the cards. IMHO 7/19/24
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