you are showning your age there.. Your mates probaly got rid Jayne Mansfield to shut her up About the Kennedy's. No idea who Id choose as I wouldn't want any part of such a movie.
Jayne was chosen because she was a beautiful woman with real boobage. Real, actual, honest-to-god DD's. That's rare. Jeremy was chosen because he is proof that it doesn't matter how ugly you are as long as your lunch box has 13 inches of hard sausage in it.
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
And Jayne Mansfield wasn't killed by the Kennedys. That's Marilyn Monroe if you believe the National Enquirer. Mansfield was killed when her can ran under a truck in thick fog on her way to a gig. -
I saw the girls lining up to meet Jermy at a sexpo once shitloads of young girls getting their photo taken with the hedgehog. Every devate in the world knows of him. -
I thought the kennerdys were good people. Who got them is who I said tougne in check got her. Some accidents must be accidents? -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
No he was definitely killed by Oswald. Whether anybody else was involved is anybody's guess. However I will say its difficult to justify withholding secret documents of the assassination 50 yrs later without admitting it was art of a larger conspiracy. There is somebody out there the US government doesn't want us to know about. -
for the first 30 years of it happening times were good we didn't notice . Did you give a shitabout any politican last century apart from vote on election day for the turn out your union told you too? you would of had lines and beers with me nirther of use would of said any more about voting.for cockhead a or cockhead B which one got the free hoilday, Unitl years later down the track we realised we got hoodwinked.?
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