Skydiving. For one, it appears more thrilling. For two, if something goes wrong, it'd be less painful. For three, this is a bit morbid, but everyone who has died near the summit of Everest is still there. I've heard that the corpses are often used as markers for other climbers to track their progress. The so called "rainbow valley" is named after the colourful coats and boots of unlucky mountaineers who are eternally stuck there.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Fair enough, thanks for sharing!
I like the idea of skydiving, I don't have it in me to climb a mountain, I'm sure it would be an achievement, I climbed and abseiled when I was younger, I'd recommend it. I've done a simulated parachute jump that the army set up, that was scarier than I thought, legs went to jelly when I landed.
Skydiving. Fast and sweet. No need for days and carrying bags with less oxygen.
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