I'm paddling into the Fountain. And I would like to be 25 for eternity, if that is okay.
the money tree since im out of work
Time machine. Then I can go back and invest in Apple while they were still in the garage tinkering around. Oh yeah, and I'd go back and kick my ass for not taking that job in Austin.
Linda Joy
Why not just take the job? -
Archie Bunker
Waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy too long ago. -
Now, why do people say they'd use the time machine to go back and do something purely selfish? How about warning the FBI and the media (because the cops would think you're a crackpot) before 9/11 and Columbine? Go back further to Jonestown? Then buy some Google stock. -
Linda Joy
Why do you assume buying apple is selfish? You don't know what he plans to do with the money. Maybe he wants to give it to Mission Smile or the Fistula Foundation. You don't know its for selfish reasons. (though I'll admit in this case... lol) -
Archie Bunker
Nah, I'd be selfish with it, Linda. -
Linda Joy
lol well at least you're honest about it!
I would have a time machine. Go back in time and visit.
Linda Joy
Who would you visit? -
Watch the old TV series "Quantum Leap." -
Linda Joy
Watch the movie Frequency! -
"12 Monkeys" (1995) and plenty of other time travel flicks.
Right now all I need is HRT so I can get my life back. I'd like my final years to at least be pleasant and enjoyable.
Linda Joy
Why do you need HRT? I can sympathize with that last part! I feel ya sistah!
fountain of youth
Without knowing how they each would work, I'd be prone to choose the fountain of youth. A device that could be used to travel through time might be more powerful, but if the "time machine" ends up being just a wristwatch with a misleading name, maybe not.
I'd go with a Fountain of Youth. Being forever young will assure you are always learning something new. While a Money Tree is not everything in life. It's been proven with rich people who cannot buy happiness. A time machine takes away the purpose of life. But living in the present is about learning something new every day. It is how you improve yourself to make life pleasant and more exciting.
Linda Joy
I'm definitely NOT motivated by money!
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