Back in town, thinking... she might have been in the penalty box for 30 days. 😆 Anyways, I don't know which song that it is, but Sister Christian is looking out for you:
Thanks for sharing Jenny, I love that song :) -
Has Linda Joy been in the penalty box? I wonder who she's been harassing this time? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
@Bootsiebaby, I wouldn't be surprised if Linda Joy is in the penalty box or maybe worse: She has cussed me out many times. She is one of the most aggressive users I have known. -
I don't know if we can check up on people in the penalty box like we used to on the old AB. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
@Bootsiebaby, yes we can. The last time I was penalized, I was able to view everything happening on AB. I just couldn't ask questions, give answers or leave comments.
I have nothing personal against Linda Joy, but she has been upsetting friends of mine. I don't know what her problem is.
She's not.... is she?
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