Does she know iv been swapping her dirty panties
Iv been swapping dirty panties with my bosses wife for over 8yrs now so iv only ever got the 1 pair but swap after sucking the stains out weekly , she also has 3 teenage daughter's iv taken one of each also I know one of the daughters know cause she leaves them extra stained like my cum sock an hides when I call in cause shes always home never leaves like the other2 who work on the farm , so my question is if you took off a grey pair of CK an come back to notice a black pair of bonds would u know an what would you do ? I leave note's on the tags if she ever flips them over , im in my 30s she's in her 50s with her husband who I work for in farming so while they go check harvesters grain etc first thing in the mornings im fueling up my trailer an swapping old dirtys for new dirtys I luv the taste an the way it stings my tongue soon as it touches my the taste buds an all that salty goodness sweat cum pee an poo I suck it all out then insert my leaky cock inside the flap of wet saliva an mix our brew before squirting an then leaving them on my bone so i can go again an over a few days il put several loafs in before swapping all over again , omg the smells an then insert my penis behind the stain flap of fabric I swear it was made for us to sex lol same place I leave my loads an our goo mixes together an I do put precum in her clean pairs she wears often so next pair I know our goo mixed inside her an I can taste our delishous mixture , sick yes I know but it's been years I don'...
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