In US English, it is the room to lounge in, hang out with family, friends, welcome guests, and to be in for most of the day. It is rare to invite people into your bedroom, the basement, the attic or the patio room upon knocking on the door. When people walk in, they are guests in your living room.
Shadow Of The Mind
The living room should attract a pack of zombies coming in through the broken down door and crawling through windows. Just joking. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Exactly. Which is why zombies usually try to enter the living room first. -
Shadow Of The Mind
When zombies get to the basement after the living room, they have come to a dead end -
Jenny The Great ⭐
In other words, the basement is a trap. -
Shadow Of The Mind
So-called because before the advent of "dens" and "media rooms" and huge kitchens with lounging areas it was the gathering place for the family. I would guess that it's also so-named in contrast to the old "parlor", which was a room reserved for use only when the family had company, i.e., the name would indicate that this was an area for the family to spend time together, not just to entertain guests. .
Jeeves the Butler had had enough of his master's crap. One day, just before dinner time, Jeeves showed him the room he spent countless hours remodeling with many places for the housemaster's family to sit. The master, indignant, said "Jeeves, we already have a sitting room, what use would we have for another such room." Jeeves, disappointed and thinking rapidly, said "Sire, this is the latest trend - it is called 'the living room,' and, sir, if you'll follow me, as dinner is nearly ready, I'll take you to the dying room." As the master was processing whether Jeeves said "dining room" or perhaps misspoke, the dinner guests were all already waiting in the dining room: Colonel Mustard with the knife, Ms. Scarlet with the candlestick, and Professor Plum with the lead pipe...
Jenny The Great ⭐
What is the living room called in UK English? I have heard of the sitting room and parlour room. I'm not sure though. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Depends which part and how much money your parents had. Sometimes "lounge" or "lounge room," or "sitting room" (per my example, if you have lots of money) or, if you are 200 years old, you might call it a drawing room. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
The sitting room sounds about right to middle-class Americans upon describing the first room of an entrance house were recliners, media units and chairs are kept.
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