That so doesn't make sense. At least ice above sea level melting causing flooding makes sense! If you suck the coke out from under your ice anything melting is going to run back down to the bottom of the cup, not float on top of the ice!! And so what if it does melt? Its not like we haven't learned how to build vertical! If those jerks really believed that shit they wouldn't be buying up oceanfront property! And we have the same amount of water on the earth since it cooled. Yes everything you drink is made of water that fish not only fornicated in, but defecated, died and decayed in. There is no such thing as "FRESH WATER"! Only freshly filtered water.
your knowledge of aquifers and ground water is amazing thats what I see has happened the sea level hasn't risen the ground has sunk. As for salinity of the ground water theres no longer any grass
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