It gets worse before it gets better. PTSD: Post Teen Stress Disorder
Black Mystique
I really love the acronym PTSD LOL
I don't know. It was sheer hell. Sometimes I wish I hadn't survived.
Black Mystique
So there is a light at the end of the tunnel? -
It's a living death. -
Archie Bunker
That tunnel lasts until they're 30.
12 is easy. My daughter is 16 and she's a bitch. But, I still get a hug every once in a while, albeit, when she wants gas money. Gotta take what you can get.
Black Mystique
I'm scared of 16 years old....boys, driving, etc. -
Archie Bunker
Boys was my big one, obviously. Threaten to squash his head in the vice and word gets around not to f*ck with her dad. :)
My own? My child's? My grandchild's? Prayer! Lots and lots of prayer! You may want to seek advice from her school counselor or a teen parents' support group! I'll pray for her. And you.
I agree, teens are very difficult. I commend you for reaching out and searching for a solution to ease the pangs of adolescence. You are obviously a loving mother. The Bible advises us to develop and strengthen the quality LOVE. Love is patient, kind, does not become provoked, bears all things, endures all things (1 Corinthians 13:4-8). We can ask God to grow this quality within us through sincere & specific prayers. (Galatians 5:22,23) All of your hard work will pay off very soon.
ive never had kids
Black Mystique
Upon rare occasions, I wish I had thought about teenagers before having kids,
My teen years was bad , I put up with stuff happening at home and bullying severly from Middle School ..Yes it makes me wonder about lot things and yes hormones do play a big part of things.
How is she doing now?
Black Mystique
She just turned 14 and not improvement. It's harder in COVID-19, but she's still my baby :-) -
Linda Joy
Aw! I didn't raise a girl, but for me it got harder when he was older. Just remember grandkids are your reward for weathering the teenage years! haha
Oldest was pretty easy, other than being much moodier at that age. Middle child was much easier than he had been prior, and the youngest isn't there yet. It might be just the difference between boys and girls. Girls are more difficult as teens and boys are more difficult as 8-10 y/o's.
Archie Bunker
Girls get worse as they get older. They're not your little sweetheart anymore. :(
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