No, Jesus overcame temptation. He was sent for a mission. That is, to preach the Good News and bring Salvation to all those who believe in Him. John 6:38 "For I have come down from Heaven, not to do My own will but the will of Him who sent Me."
He may have, we will never know, but what if He did? There is not one place in the Old or the New Testaments saying premarital sex is a sin. The idea that premarital sex is a sin came from Gnosticism that claimed anything sexual is a sin including sex between a husband and a wife. Gnosticism is the most warned about false teaching that Jesus Christ and the disciples and apostles warned about.
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pre-marital sex is also called fornication and its proscriptions are all over the bible. In some cases it was punishable by death. "In the New Testament, fornication is translated from the Greek word porneia, which includes pre-marital sex, adultery, incest, homosexuality/lesbianism, and bestiality1. Fornication is any sexual behavior before marriage or outside of marriage1. In the New Testament, fornication is also equivalent to adultery2. It is a much lighter offense than adultery or incest, in which both participants are punished with death" -
Fornication is a generic catchall term and used to cover a multitude of physical activities. To Google the word "fornication" brings up an almost unlimited number of entries. One of the better books I have found is "Divine Sex" by Philo Thelos. Should you be a churched Christian you should read the last two chapters first or you may not understand how the writer is writing. Many do not understand my answers because they come from many years (over 35 years) of study in Biblical sex. I do not claim to know it all but I do know much more than the average person. Beat Covid you are basically correct in what you said but there is so much more and much of it has been twisted by Gnostical trained people.
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