Police brutality needs to stop in America. I know it happens in other countries but America is one of the worst. I think that anyone who wants to be working in the police force should be vetted properly.
I agree, thank you for your comment :) -
Linda Joy
Have you investigated how they are vetted now? How would you improve the procedure? Did you google to see if America is indeed "one of the worst"? Because those are not the statistics I encountered, especially when counting police killings per capita. You really need to stop posting lies about America. It makes you look like a jealous child. Especially when you can just google and find the truth. Why would you rather post lies? -
Linda Joy
DWW did you google to find the truth or do you just agree with every lie you read online? -
Shadow Of The Mind
I do not lie about what really goes on in America. There are loads of cases of police brutality in America that shows on YouTube for instance and on crime programs on television. What makes you think I lie? There is nothing for me to be jealous about. Iβm not the jealous type. I do not read online about America. I just need to see for myself on YouTube videos and some of television. I donβt believe everything on television about America. Only the real life programs. -
Linda Joy
YOU LIE. America is not "one of the worst" when it comes to police brutality. ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS GOOGLE IT!! "Here are the 10 countries with the most police killings: Venezuela - 1829.90. El Salvador - 1703.80. Syria - 819.00. Philippines - 556.50. Nicaragua - 522.70. Jamaica - 472.70. Trinidad And Tobago - 339.70. Brazil - 276.20. More items... Police Killings by Country 2023 - World Population Review" NEXT TIME GOOGLE POLICE BRUTALITY BY COUNTRY AND YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE WHICH COUNTRIES ARE "THE WORST". ITS NOT AMERICA SO YOU LIED. And if any youtube video said "America is the worst" its lying to you! -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
It's a nuanced subject. I think those numbers listed refer to fatal shootings by police. That's not the same thing as police brutality. For example, if a police officer shoots an armed suspect in self-defense, that is NOT brutality. On the other hand, if a police officer punches an innocent grandmother, that IS police brutality; and neither of those examples would be discerned correctly by those statistics. But, even if we look at the number of police shootings alone, the USA is #6 in the world, currently. I believe that unequivocally qualifies as "one of the highest." If you go per capita, though, we are #29 or 30. And, sadly, either way you look at it, the USA still leads in fatal police shootings in what we consider "developed" or "western" countries. But, to reiterate, this statistic can be misleading in numerous ways. The USA has more violent crime, so, logically, one could expect more violent police response. To determine, through mass statistics, how many cases of police brutality there are in the USA, one would need to make a large number of judgement calls. Honestly, the perception, right or wrong, boils down to a collection of anecdotes. Anecdotes does not equal data, but, in cases of extreme behaviours, it can be indicative of trends that are difficult to capture in data.
Get rid of the Electoral College. Our Presidential elections should be a direct vote of the people, like every other country in Earth.ππππ
Yes, I agree with you. Thanks for your comment :-) -
Hillary Clinton wouldd've been our pres. 2016. -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
And Terrible Trumpass wouldn't.
Sending the police to a mental health crisis instead of mental health pros.
Thanks for your comment :)
I think we need to re-evaluate and agree upon our primary values. I know it sounds impossible and probably also silly, but well, here's an analogy: Imagine that you are looking for a roommate. Do you just pick the first person to respond to your ad on craigslist, who wants to murder and probably eat you, or do you want to find someone with whom you can agree on essential core values in order to not, you know, alter your entire life to cohabitate? We all live in this nation together. If the democrats want free college or whatever, then they need to open their own wallets to back up that goal. If the republicans want to impose a bunch of moral rules on everyone, then they might want to make sure that at least a majority of the household agrees with the ethics. If not, maybe both of them need to get out and leave the moderate people to live in peace instead of feuding constantly over who left the dirty plate in the sink or whatever petty thing. Last time there was this big of a schism between two major groups of Americans, it led us into the Civil War. So, just throwing this out there- but, being willing to compromise doesn't mean admitting you are wrong. You can still think you are right, and yet give a little space to the other side. And I'm not going to say which side is worse than the other, but yes we all know both sides are guilty of this unwillingness to compromise on even the smallest thing lately. That alone is the biggest problem facing the USA in 2023.
Thanks for your comment :)
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