Shoppers who take a long time to pay at the cash register. This is why I usually shop online.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
"Sorry, I accidentally made the cheque out to "The Grocery Store," give me a minute whilst I write another one. Also, my bank account might be a few dollars shy of covering the funds, so I brought in a plastic bag full of unrolled pennies that I'll have to count out one at-a-time" should have been what the old lady said to me that fateful day when it took me 40 minutes to get through the check-out queue. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Exactly, people hold up lines because of checks and calling the bank. Then there are those undecided buyers who debate themselves, their partners and their kids, whether to buy this or that product or not buy it all.
the goverment. Watch Parliament question time pathetics make me angry majourity of the Aussie goverment are total pathetics. Weather anyone in history has been able to watch an entire hour of it I doubt very much. Where the top response to every question starts with "thank you for the question" to run down the clock on the response time and not answer the question after some BS spoll until their time is up.
Rioters and protesters who decide to get into hiways and freeways and stop traffic over their pet causes really annoy me! 10/10/24
I am even tempered.
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