• The analogy is not apt. Analogously: you should ban the cell phone advocates and/or the automobile advocates. * Banning the car or the phone is analogous to banning the gun...not the gun advocates.
    • Linda Joy
      That was the point. I was speaking TO the ban the gun advocates. It makes as much sense to ban the gun as it does to ban the car or the phone. The tools aren't responsible. The people making the choices are.
  • I can see both sides of that point. 1. Cars kill a lot of people compared to guns, therefore cars are more dangerous than guns. But... 2. Cars have uses other than killing things, whereas guns are pretty much used for that sole purpose. However... 1A. Guns can be used for hunting for food, which is necessary for maintaining a certain way of life. -- It's all different layers and you can go on peeling them back for days and never hit the core. Honestly, though, the main problem we have with guns essentially boils down to the same reason the argument goes on forever - and that is that people in this culture do not share very many of the same values any more.
    • Linda Joy
      see my comment above.
  • You outlaw using the phone whilst driving, as has been done in the UK. It wasn't the phone or the car that caused the death, it was attempting to operate them both at the same time.
    • Linda Joy
      exactly, its not about the tool itself, its about the 'tool' making the choices on how to use the tool.

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