True. Liquorice extract mimics aldosterone, a hormone that regulates eleoctrolyte levels in the blood through kidney function. There was a medical case where a middle aged man consumed 10 bags of liquorice candy every week, and his kidneys gradually filtered all of his electrolytes out of his blood until his heart simply locked up. So.. like virtually everything else on earth, excessive overconsumption is detrimental to health. But it's likely that a few candies in your Easter basket every year won't cause any problems. Just keep in mind that it stays in your bloodstream in detectable amounts for about 4 days, so, if you find yourself binging on candies that are either liquorice or use liquorice extract as a sweetener (which is less common since someone died), make sure you don't binge again for at leas the next week. Of course, people who have certain thyroid or kidney issues or suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure) might want to forego the treats in general.
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