I have no idea who the Pedo is so I can't say.However I'm sure you are a bully and a thug.😌
I detest them, they should be exposed, they certainly don't care about what they do to children, they know it's wrong but keep doing it anyway, they destroy children and their adult selves. They get what 3 years soft time in prison? Their victims get a lifetime.
Sounds to me like it happened to you & NOT your sister so she has NO clue what it was like!!! Having heard only one side, I can't make a different judgement call.
it got my cousen .she didnt go because it was there.My uncle her dad is dead. .
I don't think physical violence is the answer. They should be kept away from children. I think chemical castration should be offered, but not forced. From what I understand its the only thing that actually works for them. If I knew ahead of time they were going to be there I would have contacted the person that organized the gathering and asked them not to invite them ever. I would have told them why and not attended if that person was there.
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