I left a long time ago...That eye (owner) and I didn't see eye to eye.
Rick Myres
I was already thinking it was too mundane for me. Then I replied to one and one of them said "no way"
dunno since I don't know you from Adam.
I think if you're getting upset it's time to take a break. I do. These places are supposed to be fun!
Rick Myres
Who me? Upset? Lol no I was not :) but then they gave me an excuse to leave it after I had already thought of leaving it due to the dullness of being there.
i didnt even know you left
Rick Myres
Yep I did when I went there most questions were complicated or just dull. I just could not grasp a lot of them. lol
8/8/2024, I think you did the right thing for leaving answerMug and coming to Answerbag. But leaving this site was a mistake, being that you are missing a lot of new questions, engaging with users who came here after you left, the educational discussions to the no holds barred I'll beat your brains in discussions. You were popular by the way. Whatever other Q&A site you have went to, best regards.
Why did you leave?
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