First of all, there is no link to the story to which you refer. But based on the question alone I'd say yes. If he's able to shoot someone and did he needs to be kept from doing it again, regardless of his age. If he was able he should have taken that into account before he shot a kid.
Thanks, Linda, for your comment :) -
Linda Joy
Here is a link: -
Linda Joy
This is disgusting: "Relatives of the teenager said he sought help from three nearby homes before someone helped him." -
Linda Joy
Too bad the media can't see fit to share any of the many stories of people that actually get along regardless of race. -
I agree with you Linda :)
From what i just read he shouldn't be allowed to own a gun . Why is he out on bail it looks like if you have money in the USA you can shoot who ever you want he should be in jail he shoot anouther person because he was scard thats pathetic the boy did nothing to him. Is knocking on his door a good enough reason to shoot someone ?
Thank you, @11stevo73 -
Linda Joy
Epstein had money and he ENDED in jail! Does money not work that way in Australia too? Do I need to find examples of such and show them to you, or do you want to admit that money works that way everywhere and singling out the US is simply discrimination fueled by jealousy of the US? -
it sure does money will buy freedom here in lots of cases. Don't think Im not saying Australia is not corrupt its equally as corrupt as US In lots of cases where I have personally seen the dudding system happen a yank with money was involved. -
Geoge Peel one example
My heart goes out to that entire family. If sending a man in his mid-80's to jail will protect the 16 year old children in that neighbourhood from being shot in the head, send him to jail!
Thank you @bostjan64
I think he was too quick on the trigger myself. He should have shut and locked the door if he was afraid of the kid. Being old is not an excuse for shooting somebody. He should go to jail if they convict him. IMHO 4/19/23
Thank you, @dalcocono -
welcome -
Linda Joy
DWW has been here several years at least. This profile has asked over 2000 questions and answered almost as many. You can check out a person's profile by clicking their name/handle. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Not to speak for someone else, but, in some parts of the USA, "Welcome" is often short for "You're welcome." -
You're welcome is exactly what I meant. I didn't think DWW was new to the site.
And, not to detract from the serious situation for both parties directly involved, but, can we *not* have city planners place a road named 115th Terrace directly adjacent to another named 115th Street? It seems like this sort of idiotic city planning is rampant all over the USA and should have been easily avoidable. Maybe now is a good time to bring that up to the city office and see if they can change all of the confusing road names before this ever happens again. We can debate gun control or crime prevention until we are blue in the mouth, but I think at least the street name issue should be something upon which both political sides can agree.
Thank you, @bostjan64
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