I loved it. I haven't read anything like it since. 😊😊😊
Linda Joy
How old were you when you first read it? -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
16 -
Linda Joy
That would have been a very influential time in your life. What did you take away from it at the time? And how has that perception changed over time? Or has it?
I never read it.
Linda Joy
I assume you've heard of it. Why did you choose not to read it? -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Yes, I've heard of it. All of the controversy around it did draw my attention. When I learned about what all of the hullaballoo was about, I guess my interest waned, as I didn't think it sounded all that spicy. -
Linda Joy
I didn't think I'd like it either.
I tried to read it a long time ago but didn't find i very interesting. I never finished it.
Linda Joy
I felt that way about The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. I didn't see what the big deal was about it when I first read it as a grade schooler. I can appreciate it a little more after learning what a genius Mark Twain was! -
That is probably the case. I think that "Catcher" was an adolescent male perspective. I may appreciate it more if I read it now. However, for the past two decades, I've only been reading non-fiction, so that's not likely. -
Linda Joy
I never re-read Tom Sawyer. And I probably won't read "Catcher". I'd probably see a stupid rebellious teen.
I have not read it. I know it is supposed to be a coming-of-age story told from a 17 year old boy's perspective. I have heard about it for years though, so I just ordered a copy from ebay. I will read it soon. 4/19/23
Linda Joy
Let me know if you think I'd like it. -
Linda Joy
I wasn't trying to push the book, just looking for perspectives on it. However, I always check for books I can read free online. Here's a link to it, but I haven't checked it out. -
That book has been mentioned in lots of movies and tv shows over the years. Once your question reminded me of it, I decided I will read it at last. I'll wait for ebay though. I've already ordered it. I never think to look for free online reading sites. -
Linda Joy
That's why I suggested it. And the question was inspired by the quote: "If you want to stop people from becoming like me, don't burn Catcher in the Rye, burn Hustler" -Ted Bundy. -
Well, I'm now about 2/3 of the way thru this story, and I still don't see what's the beef with it. It is a story about a young fellow who got kicked out of school, again, and the angst and stress he deals with going home to tell his parents. He drinks too much, and tries to hide out until his school lets out for the holidays to go home. He tries to hook up with girls, but isn't successful, he tries to hook up with old friends, but that doesn't work out well either. I just don't see the big controversy about it so far. It could still be coming though I guess. It's a good read, and I like the story so far. 6/21/23
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