It appears the Mods cleared his account on AB of all answers and questions, kind of strange.
beaker95 seemed to be an Answerbag moderator. A while back, he/she advised me and another user that if we didn't stop arguing with each other, he/she was going to put us in the PB. This was probably back in 2018 or 2019.
That was a hoax. That troll was never a moderator. I wouldn't be surprised if he went in PB himself. -
.... -
Jenny The Great ⭐
You can't be sure if it is a hoax, cause beaker95 never trolled on me. From the time beaker95 was active, just a few times did he or she leave me comments, saying what he would do. Other times he or she would thank me for answering. It doesn't make sense why a troll would want to restore order on Answerbag. -
Linda Joy
Beaker had many names, and he was more a troll than a mod. I thought he was funny. Bootsie's friend with the ass / spanking fetish was totally pissed at him when I joined AB. He used to hit on women jokingly and she took it all wrong. Of course that was just probably part of her attention seeking behavior. Last I knew she was pregnant, but that was 6 years ago. Beaker was always getting PB'd, but he didn't care because he would just make another account. And Jenny lied about me being a mod too. Spread it all over AB. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, whether beaker95 had a lot of names: I do not know. What I do know is what I said in my answer, and in my second answer below. I'm not the type of AB'er who is active for a moment, and then leaves this site and returns months if not years later. I have been active on this site since I became a member late in 2017. From then and now, I have been staying active continuously. I know many AB'ers that have come and gone, as well as remembering those who trolled on me to get me to leave this site as a way of intimidation. Apparently on this year of 2023, that didn't work. When beaker95 advised me and another AB'er to stop arguing, I listened, but the other AB'er did not listen, and 2 weeks later that user was never seen again. Quote: "And Jenny lied about me being a mod too." Actually, it does not benefit me to lie about you. Ice Man suggested I contact you at a time I was having account problems in 2017. Why else would I email you??? -
Linda Joy
He didn't say I was a mod. You made that lie up. And I don't know why you would tell people that. But YOU SHOULD KNOW! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, do you know how silly you sound for misreading my comments? First, I didn't imply that he said you were a moderator. This deserves a *Facepalm* Second, he suggested I email you. He probably thought you knew how to solve the problem I was having with my account. You rushed to judgment, which is why it is a *Double Facepalm*
It was a sockpuppet account.
Jenny The Great ⭐
If it was a sock-puppet account, what other Answerbag usernames do you remember being tied up with beaker95? -
Linda Joy
I know several including his real last name, but I'm not telling YOU! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, then it's a toss up.
He had accounts under several names. And he got PB'd all the time! He was very funny!
beaker95 also went by a username of Jessica. A year after 2018, he used an avatar of a woman named Jessica. Then he or she changed the avatar back to the one in the link.
Linda Joy
He did that after I got pissed because he fooled me. I liked Jessica. But I got pissed because under her name he said he had lost a baby. That was just wrong! But like all other tiffs I got over it. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Since he fooled you, he also fooled me and another AB'er by warning us to cut it out or get placed in the penalty box. -
Linda Joy
That doesn't mean he's a mod. I've told people they will get PB'd for doing stuff because I've seen it happen to others including me. So have you. For all I know he could be one of our active users under another name. And if anyone knew how to get PB'd it was beaker! lol -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Linda Joy, quote: "That doesn't mean he's a mod." Again, you fail to read. This was back in 2018 when I was still a *newcomer* to the new Answerbag. Beaker telling me he was going to penalize me and another user gave me the impression at the time that he was a moderator. Again, it is just an impression.
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