It was reborn as this one. Sometimes better, sometimes worse.
It closed.
Demand Media happened to it.
Mrs Cleaver killed it with her huge ego
It was so popular they modernised it & everyone left.
I used the old one until it closed. I didn't know it had reopened in a different format until recently.
it closed down
It was out with the old and in with the new.
After a progression of redesigns, Demand Media bought the site sometime around 2010, and overhauled it. Many members were frustrated by the sudden change in developmental direction. Most of the changes seemed to cater more to generating more revenue than to giving users more options. There was also a notable shift in the style and quality of moderation on the site. This led to quite a bit of public conflict, which, in turn, led to the sudden appeal of several other competing websites. With less and less contribution of members who contributed positively to the site, there was a noticeable downward trend in the site's general quality as the proportion of troll posts grew over time from 2010-2015. But, to most, this trend didn't seem as alarming as it was merely annoying. However, as the site's owners at the time were merely interested in the site to generate ad revenue, and site traffic was slowing down at the same time that server requirements were gradually increasing, Demand Media decided quite suddenly to nuke the site, kill the servers, and post only a vague message about the site being no more. So, that's what happened.
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