Does he know its his birthday?
Hey who knows, but thanks for the comment :) -
★Stevo He looks as happy as allways.
What do I think? Hmmm... Well, I'm thinking that he's a very lucky man. He has people who buy and prepare his food, take care of his clothing, lives in a house that's cleaned and repaired for him. Although, I still have two years to go to make that milestone, I will have none of those things to ease my life. He also has great responsibility, I do not.
probably why I think the world is a dud all the good people I know got shit on the traitors who embezzled and stole ended up comfortable theres no integrity in this world. -
Thank you for your comments -
I don't believe that's true, Stevo! People come in all types, and surprisingly, the majority are good citizens or we wouldn't be able to turn on the faucet and get water, eat the food I buy without fear, or get to the mall safely. I don't feel that anything was "stolen" from me. I just had different ambitions than those you call "traitors". Read my last sentence again. -
What is Biden actually responceable for? Who writes his speaches the he mumbles umms and arrhs as he trys to read it? They pump the old fool up with drugs he doesn't know what hes saying half the time.
I wished him a Happy Birthday.
Thanks for the comment :)
I turned 80 over 4 years ago, no biggie to me.
Thanks for the comment :)
That's great! I'm sure he will enjoy the moment of reaching 80. 🥳
Thanks for the comment :)
Donald Biden is turning 8 ?
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