8th july2022... need a weed eater and a lawn mower/shovel and grass rake /wheel barrow /garden clippers and things like that ..hammer and nails /screw drivers/ plyers .thats a start lol
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add a battery drill a box of varoius screws thats enough for most things. cheap hand tools will be fine to use once or twice a year.
Buy tools as you need them. Save your money so that you can afford the top-quality (read: most reliable and useful) tools as you need them. When buying tools, always look for a reputable company with lifetime warranty. Typically US, Japanese and German companies make the best tools. *** BUT there are some things that you really should have no matter what. For example: if you don't have a main water cutoff valve in a basement or somewhere else easily accessible, get a meter key so that if there is a water leak you can shut off the water right away. (You should also locate your meter and make sure you are able to turn the water off and on yourself). You should also make sure that you have a a charged flashlight ready (and that you are able to get to it even in total dark). Assuming you live somewhere where the temp drops below freezing, you'll want to make sure that you have a very warm blanket and probably also an "inside use" kerosene heater. That way, if the furnace fails in freezing temps, or if your fuel source (electric, natural gas, or whatever) fails in freezing temps, you'll have a usable heat source. Ice storms and other types of Winter storms can knock out electricity, so you shouldn't count on electric space heater as your emergency heat source if you live in an area that is occasionally prone to such storms. Additionally: if you don't have easy access to a kerosene provider, you should store (safely) a few gallons (5 ought to do) of kerosene for such emergencies.
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