No. The Left wants to see guns completely eradicated while the Right favors the Constitution and the rule of law. The fact that the 2nd amendment has been part of the Constitution since its inception should enlighten even the simplest mind that by wanting to get rid of it, Liberals do not support the Constitution. They don't want to see a free America. They want to rule through centralized power the same way Communist countries do. Yeah, they ((( CALL ))) it Democracy because they want their followers to believe that their brand of politics is in the best interests of the people. History has proven, however, that when people no longer have the ability to protect themselves they lose their freedom.
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Not until the Senators/Congresspersons get the balls to stand up to the gun lobby.
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No...because there are far more than two sides to the issue. How much gun control? What variety of gun control? You'll never get agreement on either of those issues, and both of those "larger issues" have multiple possible "set points".
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eventually there will be a comprimise
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