"Learn why pit bulls and rottweilers are the two most dangerous dog breeds in the U.S. From 2005 to 2017, these two breeds inflicted 76% of all attacks that resulted in death." That said it usually depends on how the dog has been trained, and how it is used.
Thanks, Miss Linda -
Black Mystique
Agreed. I asked a vet if I should get one....Only if you are going to train them.
They are dangerous in nature. Rottweilers and pit bulls cause damage and death as it’s in their physiology to do so. These dogs can be trained to do certain things by their owners but you can’t stop their dangerous nature. They should be wearing muzzles.
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Many homeowners policies will not cover these dogs attacks.
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Any dog that you can lose control over if it attacks someone should be considered "dangerous". That doesn't go for just Rottweillers and Pit Bulls but for ankle-biter chihuahuas and others as well.
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Not at all. I had rottweiler as pet and he would lick my hand and face. Very loyal and protective. He died of old age at 12 when he had to be euthanized. Now I have Pomeranian
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