What good would it do? When the COLA goes up, so does inflation.
Thanks for sharing
Great but Medicare cost will probably go up too.
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How about some decent paying jobs for young people ? You know the feeling of I worked hard got paid well and brought myself something I like. If a person is given something for nothing they don't respect it. No one wants things for nothing.
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Personally: it has no effect on me. *** Philosophically: that doesn't sound like enough. SS should increase every year according to the following formula: - - Base social security = [individualized monthly living allowance] (depends on how much the person paid in) + [cost of medicare] -- annual increase should ALWAYS and WITHOUT FAIL = {[individual monthly living allowance] * most recent year nationwide annual inflation rate} + [rise in cost of medicare] *** This should be ENSCONCED INTO LAW as the required formula for the MINIMUM ALLOWABLE increase. Of course law-makers can haggle over larger increases if they wish, but they should NOT be ALLOWED to consider smaller increases.
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It is 8.7% in 2023.
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With rising prices, it will help many seniors.
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I will believe it when I see it.
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