My old dirty teddy bear with a coat on April 06 2022
I have an old doll called Dapper Dan he is about 40's years old
I still have a bag of marbles I had when in grade 6
Moving Violation
I wish I had all the marbles I shot in my sling shot when I was young I would have thousands April 08 2022
No. We moved too much. Then came military moving and then homelessness. Toys are not what you keep when you go homeless. But one I bought back was bop-it.
In this case I usually use fun worksheets for kids activities, i take it from, they are ready, you can print it for your children. It’s very cozy. My child adore drawing, so it helped us.😇
Yes, I had an Anakin Skywalker ghost figurine (from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi) that I kept. At one point, before the prequel movies came out, it was worth some actual money, but I'm sure no one cares anymore.
I still have the single shot Remington .22 model 33 my father gave me about 68 years ago. He bought it from his buddy for 5 bucks. It was already old when I got it. Manufactured in the early 1930s I think. 5/11/23
bostjan the adequate 🥉
The original 1932 without the groove in the stock is a pretty sought-after collector item. It might be interesting to have it appraised. -
I actually have 2 of them. After my father died, I found one he had that I never knew about. Both of them have the groove in the forearm though. I've never seen one without it. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
The ones without the groove are exceptionally rare, which is why they are worth so much. From what I understand, though, all variations are collectible. I think only a couple hundred thousand were ever made, which is next to nothing, considering how well remembered they are. No idea how many still exist. Sounds like you have an interesting collection, though. -
The rifle I found in my father's things is old enough it has no serial number. The stock that is on it could have been a replacement.
The metal Optimus Prime 1980's. Cabbage patch doll. My teddy from when I was a Baby. Handheld electrical games.
I still have my first Barbie.
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