Thank you, Jenny you are a great person, I love your personality
Jenny The Great ⭐
Thank you for your kindness.
Sure! Most of them. I do remember Rick! He got locked out of his account. But DWW has never liked me, but I don't have anything against him. Some people just can't handle the truth. I remember Beaker and Ice Man! Those two had me laughing so much my cheeks hurt! Azlotto and Annoname and asking for a friend, Lavender, Jewels Vern, Lobotamy Club, Lizzy P, Roaring, there are lots of good people here and in the past. I wasn't here before Nelson died, but even so I have learned a lot from him as well.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Thanks for sharing! I've dealt with many AB'ers over the years who can't handle the truth. I had some heated debates with Ice Man, Baba if you remember him, Jewels Vern, Pearl Lederman, we are dough 68, cry me a river, Archie Bunker, Texasescimo, pugwash, LizzyP and a few more. I never saw them again. -
Linda Joy
I do remember Baba. And all the others you mentioned. You had a heated debate with Pearl? I never saw her say a bad word to anyone! we are dough was beaker and lilo avil and several others. He'd even answer his own questions as another entity. He was funny! -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Yes, Pearl Lederman didn't agree with me on a certain answer I gave her. She kept coming at me, and I had to verbally defend my standpoint. For most of the other users I have mentioned, I usually left them comments, just to create discussions. But when Answerbag displayed their policy every time we answer questions, saying: "Everyone has their own opinion. Be respectful even if you disagree." - and then I got placed in the penalty box various times has caused me to somehow change my ways of using this site. The only reason I started asking questions is: 1. To build up on my questions and 2. Because some users have said before that I don't ask questions, and that I only come to Answerbag to troll around. That's not true. :)
I get along pretty okay with a few in the short time I've been here. I'm with Linda on her observation of people who can't handle the truth. I especially enjoy Hulk - even though we're on opposite sides of the planet, I see him as entertainment. He's hardly right about anything, but he's not one of those "I'll report you because you offend me" people either. He can take it and he can dish it out. I like that in an adversary. And who knows...maybe one day he'll learn something. 😆
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Sorry Dude, I do report you all the time, it does no good. . -
Jenny The Great ⭐
1465, thanks for sharing! Hulk is okay.
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