A deity - being a deity - doesn't have to do anything, and certainly not just because some human said something.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Thanks for sharing! Either English is not your first language or you are misunderstanding my question. To refresh your memory, again, "what does a deity have to do with people saying the word G-d in the phrase?" If that's difficult to answer, "What drives people to say G-d in the phrase?" No brownies until you come up with a constructive answer. LOL -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Alright, you get a brownie for answering, since everybody's gotta eat.
Not sure what you're getting at, but it doesn't matter. You might as well come out and say "God damn it" - you're not changing the premise one bit. What's "wrong" about it isn't the use of the word "damn" - whatever word you substitute is just as bad. The problem is, it's taking the Lord's name in vain - it matters not what words you combine and associate with the word "God" - the intent is still there.
Jenny The Great ⭐
Thanks for sharing! It does matter, since you took the time to share an answer. The question is simple, Why do people "bring in G-d" when they say god-dang-it, god darn it and the way you worded it?" I don't know if it's appropriate on Answerbag to word it in such manner as you did. I want to know what does G-d have to do with the phrase in people's views of saying the phrase. Could it mean nothing? Could it be an unconscious habit of saying the phrase? Etc?
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