Republican Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio is backing former President Donald Trump to win in a 2024 presidential election against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
DancesWithWolves -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Don't you know.....Newsweek is Communist Propaganda...except when it helps the Radical
Do we REALLY have to have the 2 worst possible candidates in history try for the office again? Why don't they both just fade away!
I have to agree with you -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
DC, what was wrong with Hillary? -
What was wrong with Hillary? Really? To quote Tulsi Gabbard, she is "the queen of corruption in American politics". She is among the most distrusted politicians in the nation, IMHO.
Too much speculation and rather unhealthy, if I may add. I rather think about the present and what in my career am I going to create next, without making people believe I'm trying to take over their jobs.
Thank you
From where I sit right now I'd be very surprised if Trump ran again. First, there are a lot of Trumplets but they aren't the majority except in Republican gerrymandered districts. Second Trump isn't an unknown quantity as he was in 2016 and has too many negatives to be taken seriously. Third there is also the Jan 6th Coup. He might be in jail or in exile in 2024.😋
Thank you -
Army Veteran
Don't bet any money on it - you're looking at a toilet trifecta - wrong on every detail (as usual). -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Speaking of "Toilet Trifectas" Look here: . -
Army Veteran
LOL! You're so funny...Watch for my post in here on Nov 6, 2024. If you think Dems had a cry-fest after Hillary lost in 2016, wait 'til round 2 - LOL!!! -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 - I'll be surprised if you and your boss aren't in jail by then. BTW did you hear that Trump's accounting firm said they can't vouch for his last 10 years of financial reports? Sounds like bankruptcy time.
With the Durham probe still being worked, Hillary will be lucky if she isn't in prison by then. Biden will be lucky if he even lasts until 2024 without being impeached. Trump is still in it, as much as you don't want to hear it. He's still being attacked 24/7 by the Deep State - and there is only one reason: he is still a threat to them. They are deathly afraid of him as they have been before he won the 2016 election. What's funny is that when he gets re-elected, he's going to go after them for every illegal act they did to try and get rid of him throughout his last term. During that 4 years, he gave them all of the rope they needed to hang themselves. After Nov 5, 2024, sit back and watch your favorite Liberal fry in the electric chair. 😆
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
Once you said "Deep State" you lost me. We both know you are playing a game. The hard part is getting you to admit it. -
Army Veteran
I lost you a long time ago. Don't worry about it. Just sit back and learn. And, yes...I play games - head games. Far above your level of expertise. Look at how I called the Russia threat to Ukraine. I have sources that would scare the poo poo out of you. -
Thanks for your comment -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
1465 RE "And, yes...I play games - head games. Far above your level of expertise. Look at how I called the Russia threat to Ukraine. I have sources that would scare the poo poo out of you.".....Q) So you work for Putin, Russian Intelligence? -
Army Veteran
Cheers to everyone who does his own research. In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.
In light of the recent Durham release, I don't think I'd be counting too much on Hillary for back up.
Thanks for your comment -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
BTW the Durham probe was declared invalid, by Durham.
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