In the United States, the vast majority of the high-voltage transmission system operates on alternating current (AC) rather than pulsed direct current (DC). AC is preferred for long-distance power transmission due to its ability to be easily stepped up or down using transformers, making it more efficient for transmitting power over long distances with lower energy losses. However, high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission is used in certain situations, though it is a relatively small part of the overall grid. HVDC is employed for long-distance transmission where it can be more efficient, especially in undersea cables or very long-distance lines. It is also used to interconnect power grids operating at different frequencies and can help stabilize power systems, particularly where renewable energy sources are involved. Despite these advantages, HVDC transmission systems still represent a small fraction of the total high-voltage transmission infrastructure in the U.S., with AC being the dominant method of transmitting electricity across the country. Visit to get more info.
★StevoAC is preferred for long-distance power transmission due to its ability to be easily stepped up or down using transformers? Really what is the reason we install pulsed dc transmision lines? HVDC is pulsed DC Why the magic number of 800 kilometers?
⭐️CreamcrackeredHe's a spamming, bumped all the electrical questions to advertise website.
★Stevoindian scammer you think?
HVDC really started becoming a topic again in the 2010's. In the USA, it is catching on very slowly. The idea is much lower transmission loss at very great distances, like, across the continent, but, the US grid is not set up such that long distance transmission on that scale is super adventageous. In China, where power is generated deep in land and consumed along the coast, and the grid is still really developing, HVDC is far more popular.
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