To feed the Biden coffers and the rest who push the climate change lie.
Moving Violation
Excellent Nov29.2021
Add the environmental cost to that. In 30 years your children will see the real cost when they have to deal with toxic ground water. Everything to do with Joe Biden is lies upon lies. Elon Musk is a snake oil salesman. Good on ya grandpa he's pulled a fast one on you. How is a demented old fool like Biden going to control corporate scum?
Moving Violation
Excellent Nov.29.2021
Simply stated : the components are more expensive...particularly the batteries. (Compare the cost of several uncharged high-capacity batteries compared to the cost of an empty gas tank.) In addition : the batteries typically wear out after 100-150 thousand miles. (Note: I think some companies give lifetime battery guarantee to the original owner, but most do not.)
Army Veteran
If they give lifetime warranties on the batteries it would be the dumbest mistake of their corporate lives. Battery failure is the major reason electric cars are up for sale by their owners - a failed battery "totals" the car.
Electric cars are quite expensive, because of the EV batteries and the materials that are used which are not cheap. Also, electricity isn't free.
Electric cars tend to be more expensive than traditional gasoline-powered cars for several reasons: 1. Battery technology: The cost of producing electric car batteries is still relatively high due to the technology being relatively new. As more batteries are produced, prices should decrease over time. 2. Limited production: Electric cars are still produced in relatively small numbers compared to gasoline cars. Limited production numbers means that economies of scale aren’t yet being realized, which can increase the cost of manufacturing. 3. Advanced features: Many electric cars are equipped with advanced features like high-tech infotainment systems, advanced safety features, and autonomous driving technology. These features can add to the overall price of the vehicle. 4. Research & Development Costs: Car manufacturers investing a lot of money into research and development to improve electric car technology and performance. This cost is often passed on to consumers. However, it’s important to note that there are many factors to consider when calculating the total cost of ownership for an electric car. Things like fuel savings, tax incentives, and maintenance costs can all help offset the initial high cost.
Electric cars tend to be more expensive than traditional gasoline-powered cars for several reasons: 1. Battery technology: The cost of producing electric car batteries is still relatively high due to the technology being relatively new. As more batteries are produced, prices should decrease over time. 2. Limited production: Electric cars are still produced in relatively small numbers compared to gasoline cars. Limited production numbers means that economies of scale aren’t yet being realized, which can increase the cost of manufacturing. 3. Advanced features: Many electric cars are equipped with advanced features like high-tech infotainment systems, advanced safety features, and autonomous driving technology. These features can add to the overall price of the vehicle. 4. Research & Development Costs: Car manufacturers investing a lot of money into research and development to improve electric car technology and performance. This cost is often passed on to consumers. However, it’s important to note that there are many factors to consider when calculating the total cost of ownership for an electric car. Things like fuel savings, tax incentives, and maintenance costs can all help offset the initial high cost.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
1 is correct. 3 is false, because "many electric cars" referring to the more pricey Tesla models has nothing to do with the cheapest electric cars as mentioned in the question. 2 and 4 are mitigated by the point you brought up in your last sentence. The fact of the matter is that the government can only prop it up while it's trying to get off the ground as a technology for consumers. But here's the thing- the batteries are quite expensive, and there is no standardization. Some governmental group or maybe something non-government but with sizeable authority, such as IEEE, needs to standardize batteries and chargers for electric cars. The thing holding this back is the fact that everyone is holding out for another leap forward in technology. That tells me that the industry doesn't have confidence that the technology is ready, yet the government is trying to force it upon everyone. So, ultimately, either the leap will come and then everything will standardize and all will be well, except the government revenue to throw at this will be depleted by then, or else the next leap will not come until the government has to redirect and the industry of EVs will collapse again as it did in the early 1900's.
Electric cars are doomed. Imagine a big pileup and one catches on fire.Then what? Also electricity can and will be cut off.This will raise the price. Imagine what happened in Chinatown with bike batteries.😕
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