His exoneration by the jury affirming his self-defense actions have made him a target for lefty hatred across the nation. Visiting former potus Trump will only amplify that. IMHO.
not guilty. Was he suposed to let the rioters murder him and destroy the car dealer ship? I like the Young Man there should be more like him.
Self-defense is self-defense but he did not have the discipline for the situation in which he placed himself. Had he shot someone vandalizing the property, it would have clearly been murder. -
Kyle Rittenhouse was too young to be there. His mother should be condemned for giving someone underaged , assault weapon. I believe assault weapons should be banned for everyone, except persons serving in the US Military. -
You two are cowards go and hide behind your moms skirt. If I was smashing your house and your place of business would you do nothing? Pathetic the both of you.
It sounds like you're trying to make a connection between Kyle Rittenhouse and Donald Trump and what happened in the 2020 riots. You're looking to find a reason to keep Trump from running again in 2024. But like the rest of your Libtard membership, success just ain't in the cards. Framing innocent people may be a pleasurable pastime for you losers, but when you're trying to frame Trump, you're not dealing with the average "Joe". Trump has had this shit thrown at him for the past 7 years - and by more intelligent (ahem!) minds than yours. Give it up - Trump is the "Teflon President" because he's done nothing wrong.
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