I think he surely deserved it. It is f good to see justice served for once.
It's about freaking time. I've followed it since day one. There were about 50 women at one point. Since then all hell has broken loose and it only take 1-5 making complaints for consequences to happen. He had 50! Even if there were a few liars they all weren't. At this point I don't think they lied. He got away with it because he has a wife who turned a blind eye and enjoyed the perks of his game and wealth and he had huge bucks to buy people off. I doubt much will happen to him because of his age (80) and his legal team will file appeals until he drops dead from old age.
You get what you pay for.
Linda Joy
And occasionally you have to pay for what you get!
It is sad: how so many women were violated by him for so long.
Sorry to hear them bitches suddenly ganging up on him!
Linda Joy
Lol! And he wasn't even running for political office or about to be recruited to the NFL! What could have possibly motivated them to do such a thing? Lol!
Stills, Nash and Young can tour without him.
if he did it then he should be convicted
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