Probably a score or maybe two dozen... I'm sure it'd come with its own problems, though, but I'd certainly not turn down the offer.
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Actually...several of the worst problems.
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About 98 percent of my problems would be solved. The 2 percent that cannot be solved are relationship problems.
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one in particular. getting excellent health care coverage. when I working, I had full coverage and since I worked at a hospital, everything was practically free. I'd also remodel my whole house, sell it and buy a nicer one in Florida.
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Money does not solve personal and relationship problems but money is a way of surviving in today’s world because nearly everything these days requires money
Thank you , I do agree with you :) -
Shadow Of The Mind
Lots DWW, only thing that might not be solved is health but at least I could go private.
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Pretty much all of them would be solved. However if I had unlimited money I'd have to worry about people trying to kill me. lol😒
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Zero. If it can be solved by money alone, it isn't a problem.
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